How long have you been making art/comics/writing?
I’ve been writing my whole life, well since high school. I’ve been making comics for about ten years.
Do you have a comic available currently, and what is it about?
I’m currently working on a graphic novel called Salvage. I have about 35 pages up on my web site,, It’s about a guy who moves to a small city for a job, and then makes a complete mess of his life.
If you were a My Little Pony, what would your cutie-mark be ?
I have no idea.
Where do you go for inspiration?
For inspiration, I often go to antique malls. I also like to wander around State and Willy St.
What was your favorite cartoon(s) /comics as a kid?
As a kid I read a lot of superhero stuff, but the first comic book I really fell in love with was Howard the Duck. It showed me that comics could be more than simple good v evil adventure stories. I also read Heavy Metal all through high school. I still have them all.
and now?
Now I love American Splendor, Love and Rockets, anything by Joe Sacco, Eddie Campbell, especially the Bacchus series.
What motivates you?
The desire for fame and glory. Also simple obsessive behavior.
Do you take commissions? Portfolio or personal website?
>No one has ever asked me to do art for money. I will cross that bridge when I come to it.
Fav medium or art tools?
I love working with ink wash. You can get some really nice and subtle effects, and it’s a lot faster than hatching. I like pen and ink, too, but for me, I get better results with wash.
One thing you wish you’d known before getting into this hobby/work?
That there are half a million other people in the U.S. right now also self publishing their comics and not getting paid.
Slogan or Catchphrase.
Play through the pain. Fake it till you make it.